Welcome to My New Site!


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Ahem! If you are an old reader/subscriber of my site, you would almost definitely have seen a post with the same name as this. That was the last time when I migrated my site. Anyways, let’s get back to the topic: WELCOME TO MY NEW SITE!!!!! As some of you might know (definitely not pointing my fingers to Devarsh), this website is built on the Hack Club Nest. This MIGHT look the same as my old website hosted on InfinityFree, but it’s MUCH better (well, apart from the installation process…).

You can finally ‘Like’ my posts and pages now, and you’ll also receive a newsletter whenever I publish a new post if you were a subscriber on my old old site, qincai.home.blog. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can subscribe by clicking the big ‘Subscribe’ button on the top-right of this page.

The short link of the present article is https://qincai.xyz/go/zrew

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One response to “Welcome to My New Site!”

  1. evashao2020 Avatar


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